Energy Work & Your Timeline Material

HAL Academy New

Online Courses

The HAL Academy Energy Work & Your Timeline Course 

- Continue Your Learning Journey with this HAL Academy’s Paid For Online Course

The next level of the progression journey is about more than understanding—it is about integration, alignment, and the choice to work within the energetic patterns of our lineage to catch and sustain the overarching path of consciousness that resonate with our highest potential.

The understanding of the subsidiary timeline will be explained in the podcasts/videos uploaded to an unlisted playlist on YouTube. This link will be provided in the welcome email.

One email Q&A is included —to discuss the course material— more information is provided in the welcome email.

The Subsidiary Timeline and Advanced Civilisations

A core idea in HAL Academy teachings is the concept of a subsidiary timeline—a path that diverges from the main trajectory of humanity. This timeline represents a potential future aligned with advanced civilisations and higher-order principles, open to those who can integrate its frequencies and act as stabilisers.

Focus on Self-Responsibility

The HAL Academy Online Courses require students to actively participate in their learning and take responsibility for their evolution. It’s not about seeking external guidance but about empowering individuals to self-generate solutions and align with their higher order potentials.

HAL Academy appeals to those seeking to explore

  • Advanced energy work and personal transformation.
  • Alternative views of human evolution and potential.
  • Ways to step out of the mainstream paradigms and explore more expansive frameworks of existence.

Energy Work & Your Timeline

The World has Changed Once Again. Where are we now, what is possible and how to move forward. This short course, with one email Q&A included (max 2 questions), contains text material and explanatory videos.

The text material function as an anchor and the videos give the higher order level of knowledge, explaining what the next level of the journey is about. 

The question is what this means for us, energetically and in our inner work, as we continue the journey of catching the main path of our lineage.

This course invites you to explore this question, recognising the significance of aligning with the key path connected to your personal and collective lineage. This path holds the essence of your evolutionary journey, shaping not only your present experiences but also the possibilities you can unlock for the future.

A HAL Academy Online Course with Email Q&A

The Text Material

Basic inner and outer energy work is the foundation of keeping a clear and balanced energy system, that is the three lower fields. This text material provides the standard practices and techniques required to cleanse, strengthen, and harmonise your energy system within the energies of your surroundings. Naturally, these techniques are just the basics. The more advanced understanding is to be found in the Advanced Work with Nutrition and the Advanced Work with the Rotundum (HAL Transition Courses 5 and 6).

Key Themes in the Text Material:

- Identifying Energetic Blockages
Every environment carries its unique energetic imprint, which can either support or challenge your personal energy system. This section will teach you how to recognise common blockages, such as stagnant energy, electromagnetic interference, or discordant frequencies, and how they impact your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

- Clearing Negative Influences
You will learn practical techniques for clearing negative influences from your energy field, including meditative practices, visualization methods, and the use of tools such as sound, crystals, or energy grids. These techniques are designed to help you reclaim and maintain a high vibrational state, free from the energetic residue of your environment.

- Enhancing Your Vibrational State
Elevating your personal energy level is essential for maintaining energetic alignment. We will explore methods to consciously raise your vibrational state, including breath work, mindful intention setting, and connecting with higher frequencies present in nature or other supportive environments.

- Establishing Energetic Boundaries
Maintaining strong energetic boundaries is crucial, especially in challenging or energetically dense settings. This section will guide you through exercises to fortify your energy field, shielding yourself from external influences while preserving your inner balance and vitality.

- Harmonizing with Environmental Energies
Recognising the energies of your surroundings can help you create a more supportive environment. We will examine how to attune to natural cycles, such as the rhythms of the Earth or cosmic patterns, and how to integrate these energies to bolster your personal energy field.

Core Questions:

  • How do my surroundings influence my personal energy system?
  • What are the most common energetic blockages, and how can I clear them?
  • How can I strengthen my energy field to remain aligned in any environment?
  • What practices can help me harmonise with supportive environmental energies?

Gains and Understandings:

  • A basic understanding of how your surroundings impacts your energy system.
  • Practical skills to cleanse and maintain your energy system in most settings.
  • The ability to recognise and harmonise with supportive energies.
  • Techniques to build strong energetic boundaries that protect and sustain your vibrational state on the lower aspects of reality.

Energy Work and Your Timeline Course

with Email Q&A

Content: Text Material/ 7 Explanatory Videos

Price (EUR): 50.00

Text Material in PDF and Explanatory Videos: You will get access to the material in the welcome email. Link will be provided to a unlisted YouTube Playlist. Please do not share this link with others. The text material is provided here when you sign up, as well as in the welcome email.

The Email Q&A: You have the option of one email Q&A for this material, where you can ask 2 questions, this material give grounds for. Of course within the scope of what is possible to answer over an email.

When Stripe has notified me, a welcome email will be sent to you.

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

If You Have Any Questions?

Please only write questions regarding the HAL Academy and not an email with private information


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