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Facilitate the Option of Learning for More

  • We can only change the world, if humanity changes too. Being what we are now will not face up to what is brewing.

  • We need people educated into the higher order sciences. Aware humans knowing about energy and consciousnesses.

  • We need people who are able to work with the holographic realities and not just by mechanical means. but by the use of original human knowledge. 

Not all people can afford to pay for the material. By supporting my work, we can get more people to gain interest for the future possible timelines, and what we can become as a solar system humanity in collaboration with the Future Humanities.

All Donations are Appreciated

Your kind and generous contributions play a pivotal role in actively supporting the continuous development of additional Open Resource Material. Your kindness also fuels the creation of New Educational Courses, ultimately benefiting all individuals involved in the learning process.

When Donating, You Support both the HAL Academy and the HOPE Institute. Thank You!

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The HAL Academy Gift Cards

Buy a HAL Academy gift card, if you like to give and to share knowledge to someone you care about.

When you buy a gift card, please ask the recipient to refer to the number of the order and date of purchase. In that way, I know for sure which order to link to the gift card. 

And of course, I will respond with the how to do, and what is possible in terms of the usage of the gift card. 

Growing Together to Change the World

We Must Change Our World as a United Planetary Civilization!

We work together to change the timelines of the future. Once we understand that the path of humanity, right now, leads to nothing but dead ends for our civilization, we also understand that actions must be taken to change that.

We also work to bring the higher order sciences to people’s attention and the how-to assist for a better future for this and the next generations of humans.

Any Questions to the HAL Academy?

Please write me an email, if you have questions to the HAL Academy Courses or the HAL Academy.

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