4 Psychic-Energetic Skype Sessions

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4 Psychic-Energetic Skype Sessions

The higher awareness lifestyle begins with you exploring the other-dimensional worlds you have access to, through the expanded higher awareness you are able to re-create, if you set up your mind to developing your mental capacities, emotions, and organic form to work in new ways. And that is possible since all is energy in different forms. What you need is the capacity to work with energy again, as you once were able to.

The understanding of self-development, called higher awareness progression, using energy and consciousness to do so, is the human evolution 2.0 aka the true human evolution into a future of humans knowing how to work with all that they are composed of, including their physicality, to regain perfect health, higher awareness, full capacity of expanded consciousness and the ability to communicate and work with other-dimensional realities inhabited by future human and humanoid races.

The Purpose of the 4 HAL Psychic-Energetic Skype Sessions 500 EUR

The goal is the everyday living with focus on the practical solutions to the challenges, we are to become more aquainted with as the progression work continues its unfolding process.

These challenges are not just about the Progression Work, or the New Reality, but just as much about the obstacles from the holographic reality networks and the other dimensions connected to our reality. 

In the HAL Psychic-Energetic Skype Sessions, we address the everyday challenges of living with the higher awareness switched on. The focus is the personal processes to instigate change. To do this, we can work with one or two issues in regards to everyday life, projects, work, residence, and other practical inner-outer matters that are important as the reality dynamics, the challenges and changes that follow this.

Too many times, the simple things build up to large problems. The best way is to fix the issue as it appears. On the spot. Be it tangible things or energetic attachments, negative imprints or energetic entities. The sooner, we fix what is not in alignment with our energy system and the configuration, we want to uphold, the sooner we can move to the next level of inner-outer progression work.

All forms of delay are not working in our favour. We must choose to deal with what is there and transform it, if it is energetic, or fix it if it is tangible.

However, sometimes it takes a bit more to find the solutions to the issue at hand, and the HAL Psychic-Energetic Skype Sessions are to be utilized for this. As in having a talk with me to find the needed solutions, or play ping-pong to find strategies for the longer run issues that have a higher affectability rate in terms of the patterns of change we are building to administer the new reality energies.

Remember Who You Truly Are to Really Grow

It is Time to Learn New Ways of Being Human

Understanding the higher order sciences cannot be done in the manner, most are accustomed to. Instead….

  • We are to contemplate upon the information to integrate it.
  • We are to learn to activate the energy units of our brain and mental field according to what we have learned in meditation.
  • We are to build spiral patterns from the information.
  • What we learn must be processed into energies of a higher order from where we can build a new energy system.

The learning process of the higher order sciences is not a linear learning exercise. It is a psychic-energetic state of awareness and the code systems behind whatever state of awareness, we have.

  • What we have knowledge of, defines our energy system.
  • What we have knowledge of, determines what we perceive.
  • The consciousness units are built from these two conditions.

It is Time to Learn Energy & Holographic Work....

To move beyond this reality, the correct sciences of what we truly are, how we are constructed energetically, as well as how we change our energy system code configuration and vibrate our consciousness units into a higher order middle domain configuration of our system are part of the higher order sciences needed to align energetically and consciously with the future realities and their worlds beyond our current system.

Obtaining the higher order sciences is to understand how to work with energy and how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality.

For changes to happen, people must change their ways. We have heard that many times. But what does that imply? What changes, psychologically speaking, do we have to do? In what manner and how much must be adapted into new perception of self, others and reality?

Terms of Payment & If You Need to Cancel

You pay for the 4 HAL Psychic-Energetic Sessions via the HAL Academy Web Shop Checkout

Once you have paid, and I have received the notification from your chosen payment method, an instructive email will be sent to you on the email address you have provided in the web shop.

Optional dates for the 4 Skype Sessions will be provided this email. The dates offered can be on a Saturday or Sunday, or a workday, at 8pm Danish time. You choose the one that suits you.

Expect up to 45 days after the payment, before the Skype Sessions can be scheduled.

The HAL Progression Sessions are done over Skype in an end-to-end encrypted or private call by your choice.


The planned Sessions can be cancelled latest one day before the scheduled talk and rescheduled into a new meet up. Naturally, if you are sick, on the day in question is all right too.


Should you fail to meet up at the appointed time without one days' notice, there will be no rescheduling.

Hi There, Randi Green Here - Listen to My Story

Over the years, from 2007 until 2016, I went into explorative and psychic-energetic processes without any forms of mind-altering substances, to find new techniques to amplify my higher order psychic-energetic abilities.

I did so in self-reconstructive energy work, altered state meditation and deep contemplation processes reconstructed from the memories, I had of these, and adding this to my studies of the different techniques described and handed over in the ancient teaching systems.

My work orbits around the fact, that humanity needs new paradigms of reality, of who we are and what our purpose is, as a terrestrial race.

I toil to find the solutions to our current situation as a race in amnesia, and what drives the process of activation and progression, ranging from the individual psychological progression dynamics to the large schematic transition dynamics within the present-day standards of reality perception.

The research begins within the accepted paradigms of general science and psychology, and then I lift what I find to be of most relevance for our human evolution into the higher order scientific, and parapsychological levels.

The ability to hold a double awareness within two sets of energies means to utilize the frequency based neural network and at the same time, also activating the psychic-energetic holographic radiation structural layers of the brain. With the double awareness, we are able to look into the many realms of our reality, and at the same time, translate this to everyday concepts and language so we can communicate what is observed.

Learn more about my background and what I have to offer.

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