Teach the higher order sciences, enabling humans to build the higher order energy system by utilizing the worked-with information of the New Main Timelines Configuration of 3 New Reality and 5 Higher Dimensional Timelines.
To obtain the multidimensional knowledge and by this, learn to work with the holographic energies behind our reality field. With this knowledge, we can learn how to transform the holographic code systems behind all lifeforms and systems of reality.
We are sharing the same highway as the other systemic races doing the transition, but we are driving in our own version of vessels. The goal is to transform the lower order fields into its higher order equivalent as the higher order perception field of true energy.
Beginning this work is a journey into many inner and outer processes of change. It is a confrontation of our belief systems and a challenge to our psychological comfort zones.
The new approaches to the progression work might be confusing but it is the way our inner world works; there are cognitive processes, emotional patterns and then there are the unknown territories within the subconscious, being the border into the realms holding our higher order perceptions of self.
These different characteristics of the psyche must be shown to get the complete picture of the developmental journey into the unknown layers of the human constitution and from the depths of all that we are, we might find solutions to our personal developmental journey. We learn to use the inner search method to reach new potentials of what it means to be a progressive human in a world of changes and challenges.
The true composition of our solar system is highly advanced. It is just the segment, we live in, that has been kept low-leveled by the use of timeline event energies. For now, our solar system appears to consist of electromagnetic energies. And yet it does not; the moment we get our complete perception field and our higher order awareness back, the 4th dimensional prohibiting technologies and the adjacent reality fields, with their lifeforms, will appear.
Humans are to understand that the reality setup, they see, is a limited version showing merely half the picture. It is so because the human perception field has been tampered with. The normal human cognitive abilities are dysfunctional and underdeveloped, supported by a limited eye sight restricted within the spectrum of light, along with limited sensing and limited awareness faculties.
The quantum fields, all kinds of electromagnetic energy and the atoms are the remnants of the timeline event. This energetic setting is referred to as the density 1 fields. Although the density 1 is correct in the after-timeline-event reality constructions, it is incorrect in the before-timeline-event realities. There the lowest realities existed in density 2, i.e. from the 4th to 6th dimensions, which at the time was the density 1. The current DE1, i.e. from the 1st to 3rd dimensions, is an artificial construction and unnatural. Therefore, as the NGC does it work, the DE1 will activate its content, followed by an evaporation as the distorted 5th cycle Sirian energies fade out and what came from the 3rd cycle will cease to be. The DE1 and all that are built upon these energies are set to go, after which the DE2 becomes the lowest field of existence again.
The original solar system recovering dynamics are in the making, and then there is humanity situated in the lower order energy section. And what are humans to do, as their reality changes and huge sections are removed into the density 2, leaving behind a dying cold density 1?
Humanity have to make the clear choices to leave behind their usage of outdated forms of energy and their archaic methods of utilization of the reality resources.
The climate changes can be of assistance to teach humanity a higher responsibility for their environment. Because as reality kicks back and shows humanity, how their ways of arranging themselves in this world have become unacceptable, perhaps more humans will be eager to do the right choices for a better future for all.
Humans have to change their ways of living, if they want a chance of a continuation of their existence. The future awaits the humans that are willing to do the transition into the progressive sections of our solar system, and the rest will meet the final stages of the NGC and the cleanup dynamics over the next 100 years or so. It is only possible to do a global transition for the entire human population and shifting our reality field in full, if a majority of humans choose to leave behind their present-day ways of living, and if they choose to return to the progressive lifestyle.
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