
A New Way of Being Human

About the HAL Academy

The main purpose of the HAL Academy is to inspire humans to develop a new type of higher order process-based, innovative and progressive awareness. 

This purpose dwells within a new reality perception and the human abilities to engage in such a project of renewal.

Because, as the mind expands so does the ability to adapt to changes along with the knowledge of how to face the changes, and what they bring about, in productive ways.

The reason why humanity has not cracked the case of operating at their complete capacity is simple. Humanity has forgotten how to progress and develop themselves into the higher order version, they could be and used to be.

....Let us change that.....

Can We Generate Better Futures?

We Try to Build Bridges to Better Futures

Seeding a New Awareness – Not Giving the Answers...

The world is changing. Humanity is changing. Many challenges are ahead of us as the other planes of reality come our way. For people, centered in the everyday human mindset, these changes will not be noticeable other than in the forms of new sciences and governance, and for others, having prepared for this for years and years, the tide is changing and the wave of energies of the other realities and worlds are affecting our higher order holographic-energetic architecture in new ways.

This will open for new levels of perception and understanding of what it means to be human for those who are ready to embrace the changes. This is not just about the continuation of humanity; it is just as much about the continuation of our higher order possibilities as an advanced civilization, ready to acknowledge the otherworlds around us.

To get there, humanity must learn to work as a planetary team, expressing our diversity as a chosen tool to reach the absolute potentials of what we were meant to be, and yet recognizing that we are equals because we work for the same goals, and in that we support each other in the joint goal of progression of awareness, our higher order consciousness abilities and with the goal of generating better worlds for all implicated.

We must overcome our differences and focus on the tasks at hand and how to solve the pending challenges. We must progress and activate our full potentials, and do the needed work to be able to change our world.

Building Bridges to Better Futures

This is not just about the continuation of humanity; it is just as much about the continuation of our higher order possibilities as an advanced civilization, ready to acknowledge the otherworlds around us.

The higher order holographic realities and their holographic multilayered energy units operate in dissimilar ways than our everyday reality physics and therefore the learning process to master these inner higher order levels of our capacities hold many inner and outer challenges. These developmental challenges are both of a physical nature as well as a psychological.

Moreover, in my mind, the sought-for progression abilities, and the expansion of our full consciousness capacities, are closely connected to our language, i.e., the thoughtforms behind what we want to express, the words we use to describe what we perceive, and how we choose to narrate our perceived relative reality using concepts and frames of reference. We must investigate the socio-psychological dynamics behind our culture and language, all of which add to our perception of self, others, and reality and how we choose to interact with it.

Furthermore, again as I see it, we must address and explore the incomplete ways we have learned to process information systems, and other systems of thoughts, because these are important in our discernment of the experienced holographic-energetic levels of our reality.

What we know, defines what we can perceive and interact with of complex information systems, be it on everyday levels, within the paradigms of science or within the advanced holographic-energetic planes of existence.

Thus, to achieve our innate capacities and higher order abilities, large portions of the higher order awareness expansion processes must be centered around the reconstruction of our holographic-energetic configuration behind our current organic vessel.

We must address the organic vessel with its higher and lower order bio-energetic field formations, defining the spectrum of our higher order potentials, and investigate how far we can utilize these to reconnect to the higher order realms of our solar system and parallel reality fields.

Additionally, a new approach to investigate beyond the general sciences and their limited systems of thought and into explorative paratheoretical information systems is needed.

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Studying the HAL Academy Material

Beginning this work is a journey into many inner and outer processes of change. It is a confrontation of our belief systems and a challenge to our psychological comfort zones.

The new approaches to the progression work might be confusing but it is the way our inner world works; there are cognitive processes, emotional patterns and then there are the unknown territories within the subconscious, being the border into the realms holding our higher order perceptions of self.

These different characteristics of the psyche must be shown to get the complete picture of the developmental journey into the unknown layers of the human constitution and from the depths of all that we are, we might find solutions to our personal developmental journey. We learn to use the inner search method to reach new potentials of what it means to be a progressive human in a world of changes and challenges.

In my first book, the Souls of Humanity, the key theme is the evolutionary process of humanity and how it relates to soul development and spiritual work. I continued this investigative work in the years that followed, and the HAL Academy Courses are the result of this journey, and the next level of the following critique and points, I made in the book:

1. Overemphasis on Passive Spirituality: Many New Age communities promote a passive approach to spirituality, focusing on concepts like “letting go” or waiting for the universe to provide answers. In Souls of Humanity I critique this by emphasising that spiritual development requires active participation, self-work, and continuous conscious evolution. As I see it, the universe operates on rules and laws that require active involvement rather than passive receptivity.

2. Misunderstanding of Energy Systems: I addresses the gaps in the understanding of energy systems, particularly how energy and consciousness interact with the human physical and subtle structure. In the New Age movement, there is a tendency to oversimplify chakras and energy work. In the HAL Academy Course material, I have done my best to explore and deepen this work, as I have understood it with its the complexity of multidimensional systems, suggesting that simplistic models fail to account for the true nature of human energetics and the necessary work to upgrade one’s systems.

3. Romanticisation of Ascension: The idea of “ascension” is often presented as a blissful and effortless process. I challenge this by asserting that ascension is not merely about transcending to the higher dimensions, but rather about deconstructing and rebuilding our inner holographic-energetic systems, which can be uncomfortable and challenging. The real work involves deep transformation that many in New Age circles may overlook due to a focus on positivity and bypassing inner turmoil.

4. Avoidance of Extended Shadow and Past Life Work: New Age teachings often emphasise light, love, and positivity, sometimes leading to an avoidance of confronting darker aspects of the self and the world. Throughout my work, I stress the importance of integrating the past, the forgotten parts of our lost aspects of self, and who we once were (extended shadow work) and deal with the complexities of inner and outer darkness, as it appears on the inner levels of reality. Without this, spiritual evolution remains incomplete, as bypassing difficult experiences can prevent real growth.

5. Overemphasis on External Beings and Guides: Many New Age teachings rely heavily on channeling messages from external guides or beings. My take is to be careful and caution against this reliance. Again and again, I emphasise that true higher awareness development comes from within and that higher consciousness must be cultivated internally. If we rely too heavily on these inner entities, a sort of disempowerment can occur if we, in our search for the true levels of our being, depend on external entities for guidance rather than developing on our own energetic sovereignty.

6. Spiritual Commodification: The commercialisation of spirituality in the New Age movement often dilutes the depth and seriousness of real transformative work. I like to point out that real spiritual progress cannot be bought or sold and criticise the market-driven approach that some communities take toward spiritual growth, where the focus can shift toward material gain rather than genuine inner development.

I suggest that while the New Age movement has brought spiritual ideas to mainstream awareness, there are significant gaps in understanding that hinder deep, transformative work. I would like to advocate for a more structured, disciplined, and introspective approach to spirituality, grounded in personal responsibility and active evolution.

With the HAL Academy Courses, I hope to have fulfilled that quest. 

The HAL Future Humanities Channel

The HAL Academy YouTube Channel - looking into new ways of teaching ideas

The Higher  Awareness Lifestyle YouTube Channel

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

Any Questions to the HAL Academy?

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