Awakening and Activation

On Awakening and Activation

Humanity has already been through several awakening and activation processes. Those of us that have the higher awareness switched on, we can clearly see the signs of change, the patterns of adaptation and the new types of consciousness that are being unfolded within what we call our reality.

But are these activation processes really a natural part of our human constitution, or are they part of a complex scheme of reality projects that have been imposed upon us?

But are these activation processes really a natural part of our human constitution, or are they part of a complex scheme of reality projects that have been imposed upon us?

Per experience, I claim the latter, although it is a fact, that the original solar system civilisations were capable of consciousness evolution and holographic-energetic recalibration and reconfiguration to enable other-dimensional perception and interaction.

Thus, the first level of discernment in our activation processes is to investigate what are the original recalibration and reconfiguration processes, and what are the artificial controlled processes?

The second level of discernment is to investigate what leads to the original recalibration and reconfiguration processes, and what leads into the artificial controlled processes?

Perhaps we would, as a planetary race, eventually learn the lessons of correct utilisation of energy and progression of consciousness by our own devices - or at least we would like to think so - but as things are now, the process of progression of the higher order awareness is something we must initiate as individuals. We cannot expect it to happen as part of the collective human consciousness potential.

On the current collective timeline the option of higher awareness progression is not easy to instigate, for starters due to collective resistance and fear of the unknown.

Other more dire otherworldly circumstances lurk in the background. However, these will become apparent for the seekers of the true history of our solar system.

To find the answers to what we would have become on our own hinge upon our abilities to access the original solar system reality timelines. Only then, can we truly know what we truly are.

The Higher Order Awakening

On the Process of Waking Up or Awakening

The first step of the higher order awakening process is to accept that reality is more than just the obvious and what we can see and sense with our 5 senses. When that is accepted and experienced, the next step is to develop the inner and higher order abilities, enabling us to discern between the energetic distortion mechanisms, the shut-down mechanisms and the deception technologies, and the accurate higher order information.

Therefore, the higher order awakening process is mostly about an acceptance of the unacknowledged hidden realities and then it is all about getting back to our true potentials, to be fully able to integrate all that we are as higher order humans. Then, the process must move into a relearning process of what it means to be an awakened human on this planet. That is the higher order awareness way of living. Our personality is the communicating interface system we use, when we are around other humans. We use it when we interact with outer and inner circumstances, activated by other fellow beings.

Knowing about the higher order states of consciousness and the holographic-energetic multilayered human and humanoid races will be part of the future. Therefore, we need to learn to function among our own race and the other races here, and learn how to we interact, treat and are around others.

Listen to Podcasts for free on Spotify

To get the information in the podcasts, please read this PDF

Learning what the next steps are in our activation process from a new angle of perception. Listen to both episodes to get the full picture.

HAL Academy Booklet on the Awakening and Activation Process

It all begins with our abilities to interact with the other-dimensional energies and perception as part of our inner-outer psychic-energetic activation process.

Studying the HAL Academy Material

Beginning this work is a journey into many inner and outer processes of change. It is a confrontation of our belief systems and a challenge to our psychological comfort zones.

The new approaches to the progression work might be confusing but it is the way our inner world works; there are cognitive processes, emotional patterns and then there are the unknown territories within the subconscious, being the border into the realms holding our higher order perceptions of self.

These different characteristics of the psyche must be shown to get the complete picture of the developmental journey into the unknown layers of the human constitution and from the depths of all that we are, we might find solutions to our personal developmental journey. We learn to use the inner search method to reach new potentials of what it means to be a progressive human in a world of changes and challenges.

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