The higher order seeing occurs through the mind’s eye, similar to when we get visions or have dreams. The timeline work consists of visual information, mostly from existences on diverse timelines.
The higher order inner hearing is mostly telepathic in nature, or it can be a vocal replay from a memory, or a timeline sequence.
Higher order smell is interesting, because quite a lot of the 4Ds have a distinct scent to their organic forms. That other-dimensional scent will be there when they choose to enter our sphere of reality. Similarly, to when humans emit scents from their vessel.
Higher order taste is fascinating as well, given that some of the regressed emit a sort of energy that gives a bad taste in the mouth or cause nausea, as if we have eaten something disgusting.
The higher order sensing, smell and taste are used to determine what is occurring within our expanded sphere of reality. As it is with the experiences of disgusting smell, taste and nauseating sensing of other humans, it is correspondingly with whatever decides to appear to us from the other realities.
In this course, I explore the HAL Approach to the Higher Order Senses (ESP). You find the 14 videos below on an unlisted playlist on YouTube.
The material will cover the following:
1. How to Activate ESP
2. Clairvoyance & Empathy - What is the Difference?
3. Telepathy & Otherworldly Communication
4. Remote Viewing & Field Exploration
Thus, the first level of discernment in our activation processes is to investigate what are the original recalibration and reconfiguration processes, and what are the artificial controlled processes?
The second level of discernment is to investigate what leads to the original recalibration and reconfiguration processes, and what leads into the artificial controlled processes?
Perhaps we would, as a planetary race, eventually learn the lessons of correct utilisation of energy and progression of consciousness by our own devices - or at least we would like to think so - but as things are now, the process of progression of the higher order awareness is something we must initiate as individuals. We cannot expect it to happen as part of the collective human consciousness potential.
On the current collective timeline the option of higher awareness progression is not easy to instigate, for starters due to collective resistance and fear of the unknown.
Other more dire otherworldly circumstances lurk in the background. However, these will become apparent for the seekers of the true history of our solar system.
To find the answers to what we would have become on our own hinge upon our abilities to access the original solar system reality timelines. Only then, can we truly know what we truly are.
Learning what the next steps are in our activation process from a new angle of perception. Listen to both episodes to get the full picture.