About Randi Green

The HAL Academy Founder & Main Teacher

About Randi Green

Licensed Psychotherapist, BA of Theology,

Examined Studies in Human Resources,

Strategy & Management, Business & Administration

Key Words: Alternate Realities, Higher Order Sciences

As a professional psychotherapist specialising in existential psychotherapy and a personal life coach since 2010, I have had the privilege of working with people from diverse backgrounds worldwide. These rich conversations have provided me with profound insights into the essence of being human on this planet.

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Theology from the University of Copenhagen. While I am not religious, I pursued this degree to study the Bible scientifically and gain an understanding of how to interpret this ancient text in its original Hebrew, Ancient Greek, and Latin.

In addition, I am formally examined at Copenhagen Business School in Organization, Management, and Human Resources, which formed the foundation of my early professional career. Over time, I expanded my expertise through additional courses and certifications in small business accounting, economics, marketing, strategies, computer sciences, and psycho-religious studies. I am also a licensed healer.

My Psychic-Energetic Background

Psychotherapeutic Background

As a professional and trained psychotherapist, I know there are more layers in the processes to a better life quality. These go beyond the traditionally accepted psycho-dynamics. The deeper processes entail a new type of psychic-energetic insights and the ability to look beyond the classical emotional patterns.

Psychic-Energetic Insights

I add my innate and trained psychic-energetic abilities to the traditional psycho-dynamic processes. I add these abilities in the sessions, and the advices I give. In our awakening and activation process, there are many challenges we can progress from. I can facilitate new answers and insight to your processes.

Alternate Reality Expertise

Over the years, from 2007 until 2016, I went into explorative and psychic-energetic meditative and contemplative processes without any forms of mind-altering substances, to find new techniques to amplify my higher order psychic-energetic abilities. I did so in self-reconstructive energy work, altered state meditation and deep contemplation processes reconstructed from the memories, I had of these, and adding this to my studies of the different techniques described and handed over in the ancient teaching systems.

I wanted to prove that humans can alter what they are, to the core of their essence, in diverse forms of inner-outer psychic-energetic processes. That we do not need to add any chemical substances, or mind-altering remedies, to be able to activate, integrate and perform the higher order processes of the expanded human awareness.

However, a dedication to achieve an altered-state lifestyle and the daily effort to achieve the higher order expanded awareness, and what it takes to unfold this, is required. As with all things in life, we strive to master, the abilities to access and unfold the expanded awareness is a matter of training, although the daily training for this, in many cases, exceeds what the majority of people are willing to take on. Yet, what matters the most is rarely something that is granted without challenges, although we might want it to be that way.

The higher order holographic realities and their holographic multilayered energy units operate in dissimilar ways than our everyday reality physics and therefore the learning process to master these inner higher order levels of our capacities hold many inner and outer challenges. These developmental challenges are both of a physical nature as well as a psychological.

Moreover, in my mind, the sought-for progression abilities, and the expansion of our full consciousness capacities, are closely connected to our language, i.e., the thought-forms behind what we want to express, the words we use to describe what we perceive, and how we choose to narrate our perceived relative reality using concepts and frames of reference. We must investigate the socio-psychological dynamics behind our culture and language, all of which add to our perception of self, others, and reality and how we choose to interact with it.

Furthermore, again as I see it, we must address and explore the incomplete ways we have learned to process information systems, and other systems of thoughts, because these are important in our discernment of the experienced holographic-energetic levels of our reality.

What we know, defines what we can perceive and interact with of complex information systems, be it on everyday levels, within the paradigms of science or within the advanced holographic-energetic planes of existence. Thus, to achieve our innate capacities and higher order abilities, large portions of the higher order awareness expansion processes must be focused around the reconstruction of our holographic-energetic configuration behind our current organic vessel.

We must address the organic vessel with its higher and lower order bio-energetic field formations, defining the spectrum of our higher order potentials, and investigate how far we can administer these to reconnect to the higher order realms of our solar system and parallel reality fields.

Additionally, a new approach to investigate beyond the general sciences and their limited systems of thought and into explorative para-theoretical information systems is needed. Along with a new approach to what reality is and what a human is.

A Testimonial that Says

it All.....

In a world plagued by forgetfulness and memory loss, your journey to remembering begins with the interconnectedness of the world around you.

You meet Randi ...

A person who is just weirdly different.

Her perspectives and talks become your first reminder ... and you think "wow, people like this exist" and then you remember something, very slightly, very small, a faded image ... how insignificant! You'll cry.

I hope that you remember that in a world of nothing, this would be an achievement ... and that everything else she says will go over your head :)

Randi's material and courses provide a framework....

They are kind of a description of the worlds that we never paid attention to, or because we have been made to forget. I hope you understand what I mean, she isn't the solution and she doesn't come bearing gifts ... she comes with tools and a map ... whether you take your journey or not is your choice. I think it is this, that I struggle with most, for now at least.

Randi’s sciences are an opportunity to connect to the realms of science, to the first of many, it is beautiful ... beautifully expensive (and yet too cheap), beautifully challenging (you'll have some triumphs).

However, it is up to you, but living like the ones that came before, in the world that they created, makes sense to me.

I hope you will choose to learn from what Randi has to offer.

  • And learn about who you are.
  • And then learn from our reality, our construction.
  • And then live in alignment with our core and yours.

Thank you Randi for your work!

Randi work is 5/5 stars

— Ali S.

If You Have Any Questions?

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