Basic & Advanced Energy Work

HAL Academy Online Courses

The HAL Academy Basic & Advanced Energy Work Courses

- Learn for Free with HAL Academy’s Empowering Online Courses

The HAL Basic & Advanced Clearing Work courses are the next key stages in your learning path.

The 6 courses focus on the step-by-step techniques and dynamics of energy clearing. They delve into the deeper implications of obstructive technologies, uncovering the various layers and timelines that need to be cleared. You’ll also explore how to address these challenges on an ongoing basis, maintaining consistent clearing processes.

Furthermore, the courses provide practical guidance on how to incorporate these energy-clearing practices into your daily life, making them a sustainable part of your personal growth and development.

 Each course includes detailed text material, along with podcasts (35-55 minutes each) that dive deep into the concepts presented.

Important topics to contemplate upon

    • How to truly clear distortions from the energy system?
    • What re the holographic-energetic realities?
    • How do you reconnect to the original blueprint of human existence?
    • How do you navigate transition dynamics in current and future timelines?

Subsidiary Timeline and Advanced Civilisations

A core idea in HAL Academy teachings is the concept of a subsidiary timeline—a path that diverges from the main trajectory of humanity. This timeline represents a potential future aligned with advanced civilisations and higher-order principles, open to those who can integrate its frequencies and act as stabilisers.

Focus on Self-Responsibility

The HAL Academy Online Courses require students to actively participate in their learning and take responsibility for their evolution. It’s not about seeking external guidance but about empowering individuals to self-generate solutions and align with their higher order potentials.

HAL Academy appeals to those seeking to explore

  • Advanced energy work and personal transformation.
  • Alternative views of human evolution and potential.
  • Ways to step out of the mainstream paradigms and explore more expansive frameworks of existence.

The HAL 4D Basic Energy Work

In these energy work videos, from 2017, I show the basic forms of energy work I have developed to keep my energy fields clean from imprints, energy patterns and other distortion energies.

The 9 HAL Basic Energy Work videos covers the following:

  • The basic understanding of the clearing work of the organs and lower fields.
  • Basic concepts to the work with the emotional patterns, and how to clear them.
  • Along with practical exercises explaining some of the foundational techniques in the energy work.

The HAL 5D Energy & Clearing Work Course

In these 8 energy work videos, from 2017, I show the advanced forms of energy work I have developed to maintain my energy fields and keep them functional.

The HAL 5D Energy Work videos cover the following

  • Some of the concepts behind the 5D energy work exercises.
  • Removal of 5D holographic inserts allowing for field intrusion.
  • Removal of the 5D AI energy snakes in the spine and heart field.
  • Removal of 4D and 5D holographic entities and the 4D prohibiting technologies and 5D AI Cubes.
  • And other important levels of energy work to clear the regressed and dysfunctional genetics.

Next Level - The Advanced Clearing Work Courses 1-4

The HAL Advanced Clearing Work on the EMOF Course 1

Included in the course material are 8 videos explaining the text material in details. 

From the introduction to the videos 1-6, I use the illustrations from the Advanced Work with the Emotional Field to explain the advanced clearing work, and there add more layers to the Advanced Work with the EMOF material.

Because of that, the entire material from the previous course is presented below, although this course develops the material further. In the final video, I discuss the deeper layers of the emotional field, which will lead to Course 2 in this series.

The AWC of the Alien Inserted Technologies Course 2

Included in the course material are 7 videos explaining the text material in details. 

In this online course, we begin the advanced work with the inserted alien technologies and the holographic overlay energy system attached to the original transformative energy system. Whether these technologies and their genetics are the result of wrongful use of energy, or have been inserted by the Colonizing races, the work remains the same.

These genetics and technologies must be removed and evaporated for us to be able to return to the original DE1 sections of our reality field.

The AWC of the Alien Inserted Technologies & TEGs Course 3

Included in the course material are 9 videos explaining the text material in details. 

In this online course, we begin the advanced work with the inserted alien technologies and the holographic overlay energy system attached to the original transformative energy system.

Whether these technologies and their genetics are the result of wrongful use of energy, or have been inserted by the Colonizing races, the work remains the same.

These genetics and technologies must be removed and evaporated for us to be able to return to the original DE1 sections of our reality field.

The AWC of the AIT and the Quadrants Course 4

Included in the course material are 10 videos explaining the text material in details. 

We continue the work with the inserted alien technologies, the three quadrants, the alien genetics and TEGs. Whether these technologies and their genetics are the result of wrongful use of energy, or have been inserted by the Colonizing races, the work remains the same.

These genetics and technologies must be removed and evaporated for us to be able to return to the original DE1 sections of our reality field.

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

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