Below are the six original layers of energy found within the foundational reality fields, each connected to the transformative energy system:
These layers form the foundation, each playing a vital role in shaping the overall structure and dynamics of the transformative template.
A core idea in HAL Academy teachings is the concept of a subsidiary timeline—a path that diverges from the main trajectory of humanity. This timeline represents a potential future aligned with advanced civilisations and higher-order principles, open to those who can integrate its frequencies and act as stabilisers.
The HAL Academy Online Courses require students to actively participate in their learning and take responsibility for their evolution. It’s not about seeking external guidance but about empowering individuals to self-generate solutions and align with their higher order potentials.
In this online self-study course we work with the 3 lower fields, as we are to work with them to match the DE1 Reconfiguration of our planet and solar system. We investigate the differences in the 3 lower fields of people with the old classification, i.e., the age group born between 1950´s to 1999.
It is expected that the Advanced Work with the Emotional Field, as well as the HAL Basic & Advanced Energy Work Courses are completed. I refer to the HAL Template Science Course 1 as well.
In this online self-study course, we continue with the Reconfiguration Work via the 16 podcasts and text material.
The goal is to understand the work under Principle 7, and how the Correct Commitment apply to the work, as well as the mechanics and dynamics of the HOPE DE1 Reconfiguration work. In this course, we get the overview of the DE1 Reconfiguration Work.
In this online self-study course, we complete the work with the Reconfiguration material via 13 explanatory podcasts and text material.
The goal is to understand the work with the mechanics and dynamics of the Reconfiguration work.
In this course, we continue with the Reconfiguration Concepts and how these apply to the mechanics and dynamics of the outer domain, seen from the angle of the human energy systems and how the layers of work can differ in the inner work.