Published Books

HAL Academy Published Books

The HAL Academy Published Books

- Study and Learn the Deeper Implications of the Nature of Reality

The HAL Academy Books offer a profound exploration into the deeper implications of the nature of reality, inviting readers to engage with complex ideas that challenge conventional perspectives. Through carefully crafted content, these books guide you on a journey of intellectual discovery, exploring themes such as consciousness, perception, and the interconnectedness of all things.

Whether you are a curious beginner or someone with a more advanced understanding, the HAL Academy Books provide valuable insights that encourage critical thinking and self-reflection. By delving into the intricate layers of reality, readers are equipped not just with knowledge, but with a new lens through which to view and interpret the world around them.

HAL Academy Inspiration 

Ideas, concepts, thoughts, narratives - all in these books

The Souls of Humanity

We begin by exploring the foundational levels of existence, from the soul's connection to Source Cycles, oversoul, and soul group cycles. Next, we examine the division of soul races and the rise of two universes, driven by the internal conflict between pro- and anti-elevation groups. We delve into the technologies and struggles by the soul races in the less-progressive universe (LPU) as they evolved. The rise of the ancient stellar races, the Reptilian Riots, and the factors leading to the takeover of our planet and the influence of regressive races on our reality.

The HAL Philosophy Book - Another Way to View Our Joint Existence

To be able to generate new ways of being human, we need many new paradigms. Humanity needs upgraded versions of anatomy, of psychology and pioneering ways of perceiving the nature of reality. The HAL Philosophy investigates human behavior, ethics and the expanded human capacity to progress into a sentient being, living by the accord of the highest principles and progression possibilities our world offers to balance out confusion and chaos. It is a new way of perceiving the nature of things, reality, energy and consciousness.

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