The HAL Academy offers various courses and tools for truth-seekers and new thinkers to integrate these teachings into their lives. The HAL Academy courses cover topics such as:
A core idea in HAL Academy teachings is the concept of a subsidiary timeline—a path that diverges from the main trajectory of humanity. This timeline represents a potential future aligned with advanced civilisations and higher-order principles, open to those who can integrate its frequencies and act as stabilisers.
The HAL Academy Online Courses require students to actively participate in their learning and take responsibility for their evolution. It’s not about seeking external guidance but about empowering individuals to self-generate solutions and align with their higher order potentials.
In the Transition Science Course 1, we work with the psyche as energy and what that means for us that are trying to achieve and activate our higher order capacities.
Content text material in 2 sections:
In this Transition Science Course 2, we explore the psyche as processes and what this means in terms of energy and inner work. Content text material in two sections – the first three is already explained in the Psyche as Energy Course:
In this Transition Course 3, we work with the aspects of how to keep the psychic-energetic balance in our everyday energy work, everyday life and how to maintain our psychic-energetic health.
In this Transition Science Course on the Advanced Work with the Emotional Field, we dig deeper into the advanced work with the emotional field, how it is constructed and the layers of energy it is composed of. Content:
In this Transition Science Course 5, we look into the Advanced Work with Nutrition. In essence, food is not just food but also a holographic-energetic medium. We look beyond food and into the hidden sciences behind nutrition and what that truly is. Content:
In this Transition Science Course 6, we explore the hidden energies behind the scene of our everyday settings, environment and everyday life. Content
In this last Transition Science Course 7, we go into the last piece of the transformative work with energy. The Transformative energy system course covers the last piece of the higher order energy work with the advanced level of the energy system behind our organic vessel.