Transition Sciences

HAL Academy Online Courses

The HAL Academy Transition Science Courses 1-7

- Learn for Free with HAL Academy’s Empowering Online Courses

The Transition Sciences teach you how to reconnect to the original ideas of the Restoration Program that intended to undo the effects of the Timeline Event.

The 7 courses take you step by step into the layers and ideas behind the Transformative Energy System and how to work with it in the manner, it was intended.

Each course has text material and 8-12 podcasts (35-55 min each) explaining the text material in depth.

The HAL Academy offers various courses and tools for truth-seekers and new thinkers to integrate these teachings into their lives. The HAL Academy courses cover topics such as:

    • Clearing distortions and energy imprints from the energy system.
    • Understanding holographic-energetic realities.
    • Reconnecting to the original blueprint of human existence.
    • Navigating transition dynamics in current and parallel reality setups and timelines

Subsidiary Timeline and Advanced Civilisations

A core idea in HAL Academy teachings is the concept of a subsidiary timeline—a path that diverges from the main trajectory of humanity. This timeline represents a potential future aligned with advanced civilisations and higher-order principles, open to those who can integrate its frequencies and act as stabilisers.

Focus on Self-Responsibility

The HAL Academy Online Courses require students to actively participate in their learning and take responsibility for their evolution. It’s not about seeking external guidance but about empowering individuals to self-generate solutions and align with their higher order potentials.

HAL Academy appeals to those seeking to explore

  • Advanced energy work and personal transformation.
  • Alternative views of human evolution and potential.
  • Ways to step out of the mainstream paradigms and explore more expansive frameworks of existence.

The Psyche as Energy - Transition Sciences Course 1 

The course material consists of 11 videos uploaded to an unlisted playlist on YouTube.

In the Transition Science Course 1, we work with the psyche as energy and what that means for us that are trying to achieve and activate our higher order capacities.

Content text material in 2 sections:

  • Different Approaches
  • The Architecture of the Psyche
  • The Higher Order Personality Processes in Human Form - After the Transition
  • A Template Reading

The Psyche as Processes - Transition Sciences Course 2

The course consists of 11 videos & text material.

In this Transition Science Course 2, we explore the psyche as processes and what this means in terms of energy and inner work. Content text material in two sections – the first three is already explained in the Psyche as Energy Course:

  • Different Approaches.
  • The 3-Step Psychic Work.
  • The Psychic-Energetic Progression Processes.
  • The Architecture of the Psyche.
  • The Unity Consciousness Field.

Keeping the Psychic-Energetic Balance Course 3

The course consists of 10 videos uploaded to an Unlisted YouTube Playlist & text material. 

In this Transition Course 3, we work with the aspects of how to keep the psychic-energetic balance in our everyday energy work, everyday life and how to maintain our psychic-energetic health.


  • Fundamental Ideas Explained.
  • The Construction of the Cell.
  • Keeping the Psychic-Energetic Balance.
  • The Architecture of the Two Energy Systems.

The Advanced Work with the Emotional Field Course 4

The course consists of 10 videos uploaded to an Unlisted YouTube Playlist & text material.

In this Transition Science Course on the Advanced Work with the Emotional Field, we dig deeper into the advanced work with the emotional field, how it is constructed and the layers of energy it is composed of. Content:

  • The LPRF1 Reality Fields - the Foundation of the Energy Systems.
  • The Advanced Work with the Emotional Field Explained.
  • Using Self-Healing in the Advanced EMOF Work.
  • The Higher Order Energy System.

The Advanced Work with Nutrition Course 5

The course consists of 10 videos uploaded to an Unlisted YouTube Playlist & text material.

In this Transition Science Course 5, we look into the Advanced Work with Nutrition. In essence, food is not just food but also a holographic-energetic medium. We look beyond food and into the hidden sciences behind nutrition and what that truly is. Content:

  • The LPRF1 Reality Fields - the Foundation of the Energy Systems
  • The 4 Foundational Energy Groups
  • ATE Pleaidian - Sirian Project
  • The Advanced Energy Work

The Advanced Work with the Rotundum Course 6

The course consists of 11 videos uploaded to an Unlisted YouTube Playlist & text material.

In this Transition Science Course 6, we explore the hidden energies behind the scene of our everyday settings, environment and everyday life. Content

  • The LPRF1 Reality Fields - the Foundation of the Energy Systems
  • The Advanced Work with the New Rotundum
  • The Daily Energetic-Dynamic Transformative Processes
  • Self-Scan and Innovation in the Advanced Energetic-Dynamic Work

The Transformative Energy System Course 7

The course consists of 10 videos uploaded to an Unlisted YouTube Playlist & text material.

In this last Transition Science Course 7, we go into the last piece of the transformative work with energy. The Transformative energy system course covers the last piece of the higher order energy work with the advanced level of the energy system behind our organic vessel.


  • Generating the Energies for the Transformative Energy System
  • Self-Scan and Code-Repair in the Energetic-Dynamic Work.

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

If You Have Any Questions?

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