Society as a Dysfunctional System

Society as a Dysfunctional System

As a psychotherapist, I am not only fascinated by the technology and the nuts-and-bolts of UAPs but also by the deeper psychological and systemic layers involved. From my perspective the disclosure process goes beyond the processes of uncovering the hidden truths—it will ultimately push us into processes of recognising our world as a dysfunctional system and force us how to deal with it, and how to heal it.

In this podcast series, and the following papers, I explore a different angle on the UAP disclosure process. I want to approach disclosure from a psycho-dynamic perspective and what steps are needed to heal the effects of past events that have shaped our solar system.

This involves the processes of healing, both on an individual level and collectively. It involves the processes of how to initiate this healing not just through verbal communication but by engaging in non-verbal co-sharing to alleviate the energetic effects that we all experience in this journey. 

We must look into how these processes influence our inner worlds and how they are tied to larger, systemic dynamics. As we approach the issue of UAP disclosure, it becomes clear that this is not just a technological question, but a psycho-dynamic one, requiring deep healing of past traumas that affect both humanity and our solar system.

We must not only explore the healing processes but also dive into the significance of narratives in giving meaning and purpose amidst the internal chaos of experiences and emotions. When dealing with deep, transformative processes—whether related to UAP disclosure or personal growth—narratives play a crucial role in how we understand and integrate these experiences. They help us structure the unspoken, bring coherence to internal chaos, and offer a sense of direction. By engaging in non-verbal co-sharing and creating meaningful narratives, we alleviate the energetic effects of these processes and anchor ourselves in a deeper understanding of the collective and personal healing journey.

Society as a Dysfunctional System

The topic of UAP disclosure presents a multi-layered challenge, and at its core, it is as much about the healing of our society as it is about technological revelations. UAPs and the corresponding secrecy surrounding them are symptomatic of a broader, more dysfunctional dynamic, one that points to the unhealed traumas within our collective psyche and the systemic patterns that shape our reality. To navigate this, we must move beyond surface-level solutions and address the deeper psycho-dynamic implications that affect both humanity and the larger energetic blueprint of our solar system.

The Psycho-Dynamics of UAP Disclosure and Healing

Disclosure of UAPs is not simply about uncovering hidden technologies or extraterrestrial contact. It is about reckoning with decades of secrecy, manipulation, and suppression—traumas that have left a deep imprint on the collective human psyche. These traumas create a profound inner dissonance in our individual and collective consciousness, leaving us detached from a greater truth about who we are and what we are capable of as a species. As we begin to unravel the layers of this cover-up, it becomes clear that UAPs are intertwined with human-beyond human dysfunctional dynamics that transcends mere geopolitics. It is a psycho-higher order awareness issue that spans dimensions, influencing both our inner worlds and our broader societal structures.

To heal from this, we must begin by acknowledging that the secrecy around UAPs is a symptom of a much larger energetic imbalance—one that prevents humanity from understanding its true origins, purpose, and place within the cosmos. The suppression of this knowledge mirrors the suppression of our own individual and collective potential. As such, the healing process begins with inner exploration and the courage to face the shadows within ourselves, mirrored in the shadows of our societal structures.

Strategic Solutions to Heal the Dysfunctional Dynamics

1. Creating Space for Open Dialogue and Non-Verbal Co-Sharing
- Non-verbal co-sharing is an important aspect of the healing process, where individuals and groups come together to experience and share insights that transcend ordinary conversation. This is especially crucial when dealing with topics like UAPs that evoke emotional, psychic, and energetic responses that words alone cannot capture.

- By engaging in shared, mindful experiences—through meditation, energy work, or even collective reflection—individuals can process the deep energetic effects that are often triggered by the revelations of UAP phenomena. This non-verbal approach helps people connect to a deeper resonance within themselves and others, including on a biological, emotional and mental level, providing a space for healing and emotional regulation that goes beyond intellectual understanding.

2. Developing New Narratives to Provide Meaning and Direction
- The significance of narratives cannot be underestimated in transformative processes. Narratives allow us to make sense of internal chaos, structure unspoken experiences, and assign meaning to what may feel like incomprehensible or overwhelming realities.

- In the case of UAP disclosure, there is a need to build new narratives—ones that supports the complexity of the phenomena while empowering people with a sense of purpose and coherence. By doing this, we can give meaning to the uncertainty and fear that often accompanies such revelations. These new narratives must foster a sense of hope and collective empowerment, rather than helplessness or fear.

- On a strategic level, communities can host storytelling circles, where individuals share personal experiences related to the unknown, whether they involve UAPs, unexplained phenomena, or other transformative events. This helps build a shared framework for healing and evolution, fostering an environment where it is safe to confront and integrate these experiences.

3. Healing at the Systemic Level
- Systemic healing involves addressing the dysfunctional dynamics not only in individual lives but also in the societal structures that perpetuate secrecy and disempowerment. This requires a shift from the hierarchical systems of control that have maintained the UAP cover-up to more transparent and collaborative models of governance and community-building.

- One strategic solution is to create systems of truth-telling and reconciliation that are modelled after global truth commissions. These systems would provide a space for governments, whistleblowers, and affected individuals to come forward, sharing information without fear of retaliation, and offering a platform for collective healing.

- On a societal level, there must be an intentional move towards collaborative governance, where communities and individuals have a voice in shaping the future. This would help dismantle the systems of secrecy that have allowed UAP cover-ups to persist and enable a more transparent, truth-oriented society.

4. Energy Healing and Collective Intentions
- On a metaphysical level, the systemic dysfunction related to UAP cover-ups likely has deep energetic roots. Humanity, as a collective consciousness, has been disconnected from a larger cosmic awareness. The secrecy surrounding UAPs has reinforced this disconnection, contributing to feelings of isolation and amnesia about our true cosmic heritage.

- Collective energy healing initiatives, where people come together to set intentions for the healing of our collective and reality field, can help shift the energetic dynamics that underpin the current state of dysfunction. By consciously working to heal the energetic blueprint of the Earth and our relationship with the solar system, we help pave the way for new levels of disclosure and consciousness.

- This healing process can involve practices like higher order energetic clearing work, meditations, kindness practice, or the full understanding of how to realign energetic grids by the use of higher order sciences (not sacred geometry which is a lower level approach). These efforts can help dissolve the energetic blockages that have kept humanity from accessing higher dimensions of awareness and truth.

Tying UAP Disclosure to Personal and Collective Healing

Ultimately, the process of UAP disclosure is inseparable from the healing journey of humanity. As we confront the hidden truths about UAPs and the systemic cover-ups that have kept us in the dark, we must also confront the deeper, unresolved traumas within ourselves and our collective consciousness. The very act of seeking the truth about UAPs becomes a mirror for our own journey towards self-awareness and healing.

To navigate this transition, we must foster a collective healing process that goes beyond technological or political revelations. This process requires engaging in deeper psycho-spiritual work, creating new narratives of meaning, and fostering transparent, collaborative systems of governance. Only by addressing the psycho-dynamic layers of disclosure—healing the wounds of the past and realigning with our cosmic purpose—can humanity truly step into its next phase of evolution.

In this way, UAP disclosure is not just about technology or extraterrestrial life; it is about healing the fabric of our reality and stepping into a new paradigm of consciousness.

New Sciences and the New Approach

Traditional and Future System Theory

Multidimensional, eventually inter-dimensional, System Theory is a new Form of Science that arises in the Future. Multidimensional System Theory explores the Dynamic Interactions between our Current Electromagnetic frequency-based world and the Otherworldly Realms characterised by fourth-dimensional and fifth-dimensional properties. Unlike traditional Spatial-Temporal Dimensions, the Otherworldly Dimensions refer to Parallel Worlds that Co-exist and Interact with our Solar System and Beyond.

HAL Academy on the Awakening and Activation Process

It all begins with our abilities to interact with the other-dimensional energies and perception as part of our inner-outer psychic-energetic activation process.

The HAL Academy Online Courses

Beginning this work is a journey into many inner and outer processes of change. It is a confrontation of our belief systems and a challenge to our psychological comfort zones.

The new approaches to the progression work might be confusing but it is the way our inner world works; there are cognitive processes, emotional patterns and then there are the unknown territories within the subconscious, being the border into the realms holding our higher order perceptions of self.

These different characteristics of the psyche must be shown to get the complete picture of the developmental journey into the unknown layers of the human constitution and from the depths of all that we are, we might find solutions to our personal developmental journey. We learn to use the inner search method to reach new potentials of what it means to be a progressive human in a world of changes and challenges.

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

If you need to deepen your understanding, elevate your inner processes, as well as ask questions to the material, you can invest in one-on-one sessions with me and I will assist you in getting further in your learning processes with special tailored answers meant for you and your process.

All HAL Academy Material has the Option of extra Personal Sessions and Mentoring via the HAL Psychic-Energetic Counselling. We communicate over the Internet, via Skype or Email.

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