HAL Webinar 2024

UAPs and the Awakening

The Interconnection of UAP, Higher Order Awakening, and Multidimensional Awareness Exploration Journey

The concept of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) is still a mystery to most within the scientific community and the public.

When we consider the possibility of UAP being a part of a higher order awakening, it invites us to explore the depths of our understanding about consciousness and our place in the universe.

This exploration is not just about looking outwardly into the universe, but also inwardly into the depth of our own potential as higher awareness beings on a multidimensional expansion journey.

Higher order awakening refers to a collective shift in consciousness that transcends traditional three-dimensional thinking. It involves recognizing and integrating the interconnectedness of all things at a level that surpasses our usual sensory and cognitive experiences. This awakening can be seen as part of our evolutionary process, where humanity begins to tap into latent capabilities and understandings that have been dormant or inaccessible due to our current level of consciousness.

The interconnection between UAP and higher order awakening must be viewed through the lens of our multidimensional expansion journey. This journey is about expanding our awareness beyond the physical realm and into higher dimensions of existence. It is about understanding that our reality includes a spectrum of possibilities that our current scientific paradigms are only beginning to grasp.

The journey of multidimensional expansion involves traveling through different dimensions of existence. While these ideas remain on the fringes of mainstream science, they resonate with the experiences of many who have delved into the realms of meditation and other altered states of consciousness.

As we continue to explore the mysteries of UAP and their potential connection to a higher order awakening, we must do so with an open mind and a willingness to expand our scientific and philosophical frameworks. The journey of multidimensional expansion is not just about discovering new territories in the cosmos, but also about rediscovering the vast and uncharted territories within ourselves.

The interplay between UAP, higher order awakening, and our multidimensional expansion journey invites us to consider the possibility that we are part of a much larger, interconnected cosmos. It challenges us to expand our understanding of reality and our role within it, opening the door to new paradigms of thought and existence. 

HAL Academy Booklet on the Awakening and Activation Process

It all begins with our abilities to interact with the other-dimensional energies and perception as part of our inner-outer psychic-energetic activation process.

The HAL Webinar on UAPs and the Interconnectedness to our Collective Awakening

Saturday September 21st 2024 in two sections from 5-7 pm and 8-10 pm Danish time

The webinar is done over Skype (I know, old school but Skype allows for continued conversation without time limit) in a group call.


Overview of Content

  1. The Reality Field Resetting
  2. The Future Aspect of Our Reality
  3. Where do the UAPs Fit In?
  4. The Hows, the Whys and the Answers to what to do with this Knowledge.


Section 1 From 5-7 pm Danish time

We investigate the reality field resetting and the future aspect of our reality.

Bio Break between 7-8 pm.


Section 2 From 8-10 pm Danish time

We investigate where the UAPs fit in, the hows, the whys and what to do with this knowledge.

Ending around 10 pm Danish time.


Remember to check your time zone! All depending on where you are in the world, it should be possible for you to attend, either as a morning or evening webinar.

You sign up below. Once I get the notification, I will send a welcome to the webinar email with further instruction on how to get to the group call.

No preparation is needed – most of the background information has been given in the YouTube Membership podcasts. New information will be provided to investigate the 4 themes from a new perspective. From this level of information you can to ask your questions and perhaps initiate a group discussion on the themes presented.


Max 10 people


Price 75 EUR 

The goal is the everyday living with focus on the practical solutions to the challenges, we are to become more acquainted with the awakening and activation processes.

These challenges are not just about the inner work, but just as much about the obstacles from the holographic-energetic reality and the multidimensionality and the other dimensions connected to our reality.

The Higher Order Awakening

On the Process of Waking Up or Awakening

The first step of the higher order awakening process is to accept that reality is more than just the obvious and what we can see and sense with our 5 senses. When that is accepted and experienced, the next step is to develop the inner and higher order abilities, enabling us to discern between the energetic distortion mechanisms, the shut-down mechanisms and the deception technologies, and the accurate higher order information.

Therefore, the higher order awakening process is mostly about an acceptance of the unacknowledged hidden realities and then it is all about getting back to our true potentials, to be fully able to integrate all that we are as higher order humans. Then, the process must move into a relearning process of what it means to be an awakened human on this planet. That is the higher order awareness way of living. Our personality is the communicating interface system we use, when we are around other humans. We use it when we interact with outer and inner circumstances, activated by other fellow beings.

Knowing about the higher order states of consciousness and the holographic-energetic multilayered human and humanoid races will be part of the future. Therefore, we need to learn to function among our own race and the other races here, and learn how to we interact, treat and are around others.

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