Beyond the ET Colonial Programs

Beyond the ET Colonial Programs

- the 2029 Subsidiary Timeline

The future timelines unfold their possibilities and probabilities within a non-theistic science framework. This perspective emphasizes the importance of proactive engagement with the present to influence future outcomes, rather than passively observing and reacting to changes.

The future timelines hold various potential paths that humanity and our world might take, based on current trends, technological advancements, and societal shifts.

A non-theistic science approach to these timelines does not rely on divine intervention or predetermined destinies; instead, it focuses on the power of human agency and the natural laws governing the universe.

The exploration of future timelines ushers us to consider long-term consequences and to envision multiple scenarios that could unfold from today's decisions and innovations.

Energy transformation is a key concept in both physics and the broader context of societal change. It involves converting energy from one form to another, ensuring that while energy can be transferred or transformed, it is never lost—adhering to the law of conservation of energy. This principle is crucial in understanding how to work with energy in transformative processes, whether it is in the context of sustainable development, technological innovation, or personal growth.


In transformative processes, energy does not just refer to physical power but also to the metaphorical energy of ideas, innovation, and collective will. Developing and transforming all forms of reality energies and holographic-energetic units requires understanding the dynamics of energy transformation.


The assertion that we must generate and create our path to the future as challenges arise is key to the importance of personal and societal adaptability and innovation. The future is not a distant, static destination but a dynamic continuum that we are constantly shaping with our actions and choices in the present.


We must align with the concept of 'windows of opportunity,' and the brief periods when specific actions can lead to significant and positive changes. These windows are fleeting, and recognizing them requires vigilance and readiness to act. It is a call to be present, aware, and engaged in the ongoing process of transformation.


The journey towards the future is an active and continuous process of learning and adapting. By embracing a non-theistic science approach – and by that embrace our responsibility as co-engineers and co-creators of our reality field - and understanding the principles of energy transformation, we can better navigate the challenges of the present and seize the windows of opportunity that lead to desirable future timelines. It is a reminder that our collective efforts and innovations are the streams that connect us to a myriad of possible futures, and it is up to us to choose which ones we will follow and bring into reality.

HAL Academy Booklet on the 3-Earth Theory

It all begins with our abilities to interact with the other-dimensional energies and perception as part of our inner-outer psychic-energetic activation process.

Next Step 2029 - Begins Now!

We can unite consciousness progression and the higher order forms of advanced technology for the highest good of the many, and in alignment with the understanding of 5th dimensional code streams, holographic-energetic reality fields and how we, as living lifeforms, can alter the worlds we are part of by our very being.


For this concept to work, we must accept that we are made of energy, have the potentials of a progressive and ever-expanding consciousness, and the abilities to transform reality field energies via our consciousness capacities. The main goal with the universal cycles of existence is to generate the higher order version of life force – not just the energy of the organic vessels - which will become the foundational level of evolution within the next universal cycles as energy has been the foundation for several universal cycles now.

The work with energy, as a foundation without consciousness potentials, has been the main work for all lifeforms within the previous 4 universal cycles. Here we have participated in the work to transform energy in all variations into becoming able to hold, carry and emit consciousness configurations and reality field patterns. However, this is now coming to a sort of completion.

Before we can move into the next cycle, we must deal with the energetic fragments and leftovers from the previous cycles in our personal timeline and template work as well on a collective level mirrored in the ways we generate services, products, items, goods, machines, and technology.

The Vision for a Transformed Future

We stand at a moment where a possible fusion of consciousness evolution and state-of-the-art technology can revolutionise the well-being of all lifeforms in our solar system. If we allow for an integration of the new understanding of fifth-dimensional code streams and holographic-energetic reality fields, we could potentially hold the key to shaping our realities by harnessing our energetic essence.

In order to manifest this visionary outlook, we must first embrace and integrate our energetic higher order capacities, acknowledging our inherent potential for perpetual expansion and higher order awareness, and recognising our capability to influence reality through our consciousness. In the vast cycles of universal existence, our journey aim to nurture an elevated form of life energy, surpassing current organic constructs to lay the foundation for forthcoming evolutionary phases.

Across the preceding four universal cycles, lifeforms predominantly focused on energy manipulation while overlooking the power of conscious realisation. The time has come for us to embark on the profound journey of converting diverse energy manifestations into conduits capable of embodying and transmitting conscious configurations and reality blueprints.

As we usher in this new era, we ready ourselves to elevate our collective consciousness, propelling us towards an advanced state of being where energy entwines with consciousness to change the fabric of existence. In the pursuit of this transformative path, we are called to cultivate deeper connections with our core levels of consciousness, explore the harmonious interplay between higher order consciousness and our current state of being from which we can join the original path of co-create a reality as well as the journey of how to balance individual growth with collective progress.

Who Are We, Truly?

Beyond the Extraterrestrial Colonial Programs

Can we handle the truth? As in what is really going on? We spiral off into the spectrum of programs thinking we have found the loose thread of the carpet, and that we can unravel it from there to see what hides beneath. So what is the truth of our reality? The truth is that there is no objective truth. Only our perception of our world. We perceive through the lenses of our ideologies and ideas of what the world is so the first step is to pull back our  projections. 

With these lenses, we vibrate into the timelines in sync with our brain waves. If we change these neural connections into a new pattern - a pattern of change and open investigation - we are half way to finding the answers to the mystery. 

It is time to shed off the old reality programs from the extraterrestrial colonial occupation we have been under for 15000 years. 

Who and what are We Outside these Programs?

That is the enigma, we are to solve and find the answers in the processes towards the future civilisations.

New Sciences and the New Approach

Traditional and Future System Theory

Multidimensional, eventually inter-dimensional, System Theory is a new Form of Science that arises in the Future. Multidimensional System Theory explores the Dynamic Interactions between our Current Electromagnetic frequency-based world and the Otherworldly Realms characterised by fourth-dimensional and fifth-dimensional properties. Unlike traditional Spatial-Temporal Dimensions, the Otherworldly Dimensions refer to Parallel Worlds that Co-exist and Interact with our Solar System and Beyond.

The HAL Academy Online Courses

Beginning this work is a journey into many inner and outer processes of change. It is a confrontation of our belief systems and a challenge to our psychological comfort zones.

The new approaches to the progression work might be confusing but it is the way our inner world works; there are cognitive processes, emotional patterns and then there are the unknown territories within the subconscious, being the border into the realms holding our higher order perceptions of self.

These different characteristics of the psyche must be shown to get the complete picture of the developmental journey into the unknown layers of the human constitution and from the depths of all that we are, we might find solutions to our personal developmental journey. We learn to use the inner search method to reach new potentials of what it means to be a progressive human in a world of changes and challenges.

How to Do This?

The HAL Academy Course Material consists of text material and explanatory podcasts.

You study in your own pace. You access the material from the page above via the link to the text material in PDF, and the link to the videos via the unlisted YouTube playlist. If you are in need of support, please connect to me and I will guide you on the how-to.

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