U.S. Election - A New Timeline?

U.S. Election - A New Timeline?

There are two subsidiary timelines at play in the upcoming U.S. Election. Each one has a purpose and a function that will affect, not only the States, but the entire world economic and political environment.

The question is what this means for us, energetically and in our inner work as we continue the journey of catching one of the three main timelines, we find most useful for us. 

In the context of the upcoming U.S. election, the two subsidiary timelines play a significant role in shaping both the national and global landscape. The knowledge that follows this is a powerful tool for how political events reverberate through collective energy fields. These timelines, while seemingly part of the external socio-political sphere, hold deep energetic implications for all of us on our inner journey. They act as catalysts for personal and collective evolution, providing opportunities for us to align with the three main timelines we may find most beneficial for our growth.

1. Understanding Subsidiary Timelines: Their Purpose and Function

In esoteric and multidimensional thinking, subsidiary timelines are the byproducts of major collective choices or events. They emerge as supportive structures to the primary, overarching timeline, providing additional layers for different groups or consciousnesses lineages to experience diverse outcomes. Each of these subsidiary timelines can manifest different outcomes within the same overall trajectory, meaning that while we may head toward a larger, inevitable transformation as a species, the paths to get to this point in human history vary depending on what is activated.

In the context of the U.S. election, these two subsidiary timelines represent different energy streams that will impact the global political and economic environment:

  • One timeline is set to support the continuation of current systems, which reinforces a more gradual progression in global governance, finance, and societal structures. This can be seen as the timeline where stability is prioritised over change, fostering a slower transition into new paradigms.

  • The other timeline is set to embody radical transformation—one that pushes for a restructuring of political and economic frameworks. This pathway may invite chaos before clarity, a breakdown of old systems to usher in new possibilities. It can challenge—after the dust has settled— the collective to accelerate its adaptation to higher order perspective on reality and a more interconnected world.

Both of these timelines have their purpose: one to hold space for those who require continuity and stability, and the other to support those prepared for a faster, more disruptive transformation.

2. Energetic Implications: What Does This Mean for Us?

As we navigate these evolving dynamics, we are not merely passive observers of political events; we are active participants in shaping the energetic environment that arises from them. The key question is: What do these subsidiary timelines mean for us energetically? And how can we use these shifts in our inner work to align with the greater timelines of transformation?

Each timeline calls for us to engage with different aspects of our energy system:

  • Stability and Continuity Timeline: This timeline may resonate more with those who are in the process of integrating deep inner healing and grounding. It requires us to maintain balance amidst external uncertainty and prioritise inner stability over chaos. It invites us to focus on presence, patience, and rooting our consciousness in the now, allowing the slower unfolding of events to reflect our inner growth.

  • Radical Transformation Timeline: This energetic path invites more intense shadow work, acceleration of personal evolution, and embracing uncertainty as a means of breaking through limitations. This timeline pushes us to become comfortable with discomfort, letting go of attachments to old paradigms and surrendering to the deeper currents of change. It asks us to tap into the quantum potential within us—trusting intuition, and activating latent abilities such as telepathy, energetic manifestation, or inter-dimensional awareness.

3. Aligning with the Three Main Timelines: Our Journey of Choice

On top of the unfolding of these subsidiary timelines, we are also in the process of aligning with one of the three main timelines—each offering distinct opportunities for our higher order awareness and energetic evolution.

The three main timelines propose different possible futures for humanity:

  • Timeline 1: Collective Awakening and Harmonious Integration (the positive future timeline)
    This timeline represents the smooth integration of higher frequencies, with humanity embracing a multidimensional awakening. UAP phenomena, higher order awareness, and energy healing is in the mix. This timeline requires us to be actively engaged in individual consciousness work, building communities, and bridging science with the higher order sciences to prepare us for the future.

  • Timeline 2: Gradual Awakening with Transitional Challenges (the status quo timeline)
    This timeline still moves toward awakening, but with more resistance and periods of struggle. There may be breakdowns in economic and political systems, but they will happen incrementally, giving humanity time to adjust. In this timeline, inner work involves holding space for others, being an anchor of stability, and helping navigate the collective through transitions with compassion.

  • Timeline 3: Fractured Evolution and Polarised Realities (the negative future timeline)
    This timeline embodies a more fragmented pathway, where some portions of humanity accelerate into higher frequencies while others remain in dense, materialistic paradigms. Here, personal awakening may still occur, but the challenge lies in navigating a world that appears deeply divided. The inner work here involves energetic protection, deepening personal sovereignty, and staying aligned with higher truths even amidst outer confusion.

4. The Role of Inner Work in Timeline Navigation

Regardless of the timeline we find ourselves resonating with, our inner work remains essential. The political and global events tied to the U.S. election are mirrors that show us the larger energetic patterns at play. Our personal responsibility is to continually align our energy with the timeline that feels most authentic and useful for our soul’s evolution.

  • Meditation, energy clearing, and conscious intention setting become vital tools in stabilising ourselves within the chosen timeline.
  • Working with the heart field—the energetic bridge between the current levels of awareness and higher-dimensional realities—will help us stay connected to the balance point in our transition processes, ensuring that our decisions and actions are in service to the highest good of the many.
  • Developing our intuition and discernment will help us navigate the waves of information and disinformation that will likely arise, keeping us attuned to our inner truth rather than external narratives.

5. Catching the Timeline That Serves Us

As we move forward, we must remember that timelines are fluid and shaped by collective consciousness as well as individual choices. By engaging with subsidiary timelines as opportunities for growth rather than as fixed realities, we become active participants in the larger cosmic dance. Whether we are drawn to a more stable, transformative, or radically evolving timeline, we have the power to choose which energies we resonate with.

Our inner journey—anchored in self-awareness, conscious evolution, and a dedication to do what we can to set the example of the highest version a human can be—ensures that we catch one of the main timelines most useful for us, guiding us through these transitional periods with clarity, strength, and purpose. As we collectively focus on our highest potential, we can influence the greater outcome, not just for ourselves but for the entire global collective.

HAL Academy Booklet on the 3-Earth Theory

It all begins with our abilities to interact with the other-dimensional energies and perception as part of our inner-outer psychic-energetic activation process.

The HAL Webinar on the OutCome of the US Election and the New Timeline 

Saturday December 7th 2024 in two sections from 5-7 pm and 8-10 pm Danish time

The webinar is done over Skype (I know, old school but Skype allows for continued conversation without time limit) in a group call.


Over the 4 Hours, We will Explore the Following:

  1. The US Election and the Result.
  2. What does This Mean in Terms of the Reality Programs and Everyday Living?
  3. How Does this Affect Our Energy Work?
  4. The Hows, the Whys and the Answers to what to do with this Knowledge.


Section 1 From 5-7 pm Danish time

1. We investigate the US Election and the Result. I will tap into the higher order energies behind this, and what the effects are on the 3 main timelines.

2. What does This Mean in Terms of the Reality Programs and Everyday Living?

Bio Break between 7-8 pm.


Section 2 From 8-10 pm Danish time

4. We investigate how this will affect our energy work.

3. The Hows, the Whys and the Answers to what to do with this Knowledge.

Ending around 10 pm Danish time.


Remember to check your time zone! All depending on where you are in the world, it should be possible for you to attend, either as a morning or evening webinar.

You sign up below. Once I get the notification, I will send a welcome to the webinar email with further instruction on how to get to the group call.

No preparation is needed – most of the background information has been given in the YouTube Membership podcasts. New information will be provided to investigate the 4 themes from a new perspective. From this level of information you can to ask your questions and perhaps initiate a group discussion on the themes presented.


Max 10 people - 5 spots left

Price 75 EUR 

The goal is the everyday living with focus on the practical solutions to the challenges, we are to become more acquainted with the awakening and activation processes.

These challenges are not just about the inner work, but just as much about the obstacles from the holographic-energetic reality and the multidimensionality and the other dimensions connected to our reality.

The Higher Order Awakening

On the Process of Waking Up or Awakening

The first step of the higher order awakening process is to accept that reality is more than just the obvious and what we can see and sense with our 5 senses. When that is accepted and experienced, the next step is to develop the inner and higher order abilities, enabling us to discern between the energetic distortion mechanisms, the shut-down mechanisms and the deception technologies, and the accurate higher order information.

Therefore, the higher order awakening process is mostly about an acceptance of the unacknowledged hidden realities and then it is all about getting back to our true potentials, to be fully able to integrate all that we are as higher order humans. Then, the process must move into a relearning process of what it means to be an awakened human on this planet. That is the higher order awareness way of living. Our personality is the communicating interface system we use, when we are around other humans. We use it when we interact with outer and inner circumstances, activated by other fellow beings.

Knowing about the higher order states of consciousness and the holographic-energetic multilayered human and humanoid races will be part of the future. Therefore, we need to learn to function among our own race and the other races here, and learn how to we interact, treat and are around others.

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